Guide: Most Common Causes of Electric Wire Rope Hoists Failure

Electric wire rope hoists are very useful equipment that eases the heavy load lifting process. It needs proper selection, professional installation and regular maintenance for proper functioning. Since a wire rope is used in a hoisting application, the individual wires move and let the rope bend around the drum and sheaves. Wrong selection, improper installation, rough operation, or irregular maintenance can reduce the rope life significantly.

Even with proper usage and optimum conditions, no matter what every wire rope used in a hoisting application will eventually fail at one or the other time. The same applies to the mini electric wire hoist too. That’s why it is very crucial to get your wire ropes periodically inspected by a qualified and trained inspector to examine the condition of the wire rope so that necessary replacement or action can be taken ahead of time.

Mini electric hoist or also known as the civil electric hoist is a lightweight lifting equipment, employed for material handling in different applications to lift and move loads of less than 10 tons. Light load materials are handled using mini wire hoist in factories, construction, electric power, mines, loading and unloading trucks, lifting cargo, warehouse, and other modern industries.

The mini electric wire hoists are designed and developed following the international standards which assure the build and operational quality of electric hoists and the safety during hoist operation.

In this article, we have shared some of the most common causes of wire rope failures—

Overload or Shock Loading

Also known as tension failure, is caused by excess loading of the wire rope. When the wire rope gets failed because of the surplus tension or overload, one end of the broken rope will show broken wire coned while the other will be cupped. Shock loading a slack rope that makes excessive stress on the rope usually leads to tension breaks. Snuggling down of the broken ends is very common with this type of break.

Abrasion Breaks

Abrasion wire breaks of HITACHI electric wire rope hoist are situated at points where the rope gets broken by the wrong contact with hoist drums and sheaves or any external item gets stuck such as shelving or the crane girder. Incorrect fleet angle into the sheaves or inappropriately lined drums and sheaves are common causes of abrasion breaks. Broken wire ends tattered to knife-edge narrowness is a sign of abrasion caused by wire breaks.

Corrosion Breaks

Improper lubrication in the wire ropes leads to corrosion breaks. The eroded surface on individual wires of the rope is an indication of corrosion. Corrosion caused broken wires do not generally show indication of abrasion, tension, or fatigue. Corrosion is one of the most hazardous reasons for rope corrosion.

Fatigue Breaks

Electric wire rope hoists undergo a lot of cyclic bending over sheaves, which results in cracks in their specific wires, and these broken wires usually arise in the sections that repetitively move above or comes in direct contact with sheaves or drums. Higher will be the bending fatigue if smaller is the sheave as compared to the diameter of the wire rope. As soon the broken wire starts getting appeared, it will create a domino effect and rapidly many more will start getting appeared. Square ends of wires are very normal for fatigue breaks.

Protrusion or Core Slippage

Improper installation and shock or overloading are two main causes of core protrusion.


The wire gets cut and pinched down at damaged ends, or will start showing indication of a shear-like cut.

To know more about the electric wire rope hoist, get in touch with us.

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